Monday, August 18, 2008

Snap, Crackle, Pop!

Sometimes I feel like my life's an episode of StarTrek when I write a blog entry. You know, how the episodes start,

"Captain's log. Stardate 159 dash 682. We entered the orion nebula...etc."

Anyways... I'm not entering any nebulas today, so don't worry. But I did start work at Peet's Coffee today. You know, I think it's kinda weird, but the Lord could be showing me something with this job. Starbucks and Peet's are almost opposite in their approach to the coffee house scene--Peet's being way more laid back almost across the board. I did find, however, that Starbucks training is better organized and mushy-feeling. Peet's trains by fire. Today was like being a piece of meat thrown onto a hot skillet in a microwave kitchen... ok, maybe I'm being overly dramatic, but it was seriously sensory overload. It's going to be extremely good...err, once I stop sizzling.

I'm also in the process of applying to the iWar (Institute for Worship Art Resources) school at my church in Vacaville. I'm really hungry to grow both in my giftings and in my experience with God. I believe God's made me a worshipper of Him in spirit and in truth and I want to run with that as far and as long as He provides for me. Anyways, you can check out the school at

God is an amazing provider. It's like I can't outgive or outlive His provision. I just wonder how far I can run with this reality.... so far, so good, eh?

Very good.


paintingsongs said...
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paintingsongs said...

(hmm .. somehow i deleted my comment the first time)

i am so jealous that brian and jenn johnson are going to be at the iwar school. you must go worship with them!! it says it's free ... look them up on myspace if you haven't heard their music before. misty edwards does a few of their songs.
now we're even on being jealous of each other. =)