"Sheeringly rockus," says the New York Times...
"A summer hit!" writes Ebert and his friend...
In the small town of Davis, CA lived a simple man with a somewhat unusual sense of humor--but humor was exactly what this town needed most. In this summer blockbuster of the season, you'll be blown away by the stunning visual effects as the thrilling life of Thomas Wright, played by Oscar Award-winning Leonardo DiCaprio, pans out before your very eyes in awesome 3-D! Be amazed all over again as you see it again for the first time... the first time! Fun for the whole family awaits you as Thomas breaks into the unsuspecting lives or his fellow Peet's Coffee employees with unrelenting humor and punning for your viewing enjoyment.
*Ahem*... Ok, so I needed to have some fun.
So, in all reality, I've been enjoying California and taking it all in-- the way God's been providing for me and directing my steps. Also, you may remember me mentioning that I was planning on applying at iWar, the worship training school at The Mission. Well, I applied a little late (was waiting on the application fee money) and I got accepted! It's really funny how God works. One thing I've consistently felt from Him was that He's moving at the speed I am... like I'm setting the pace. So, I really was in a place a week ago where I didn't know if I wanted to apply to the school or not. The money was the reason for my debate because it costs $2,500 to attend the school for the year and I haven't gotten a paycheck yet since I've been in California. But, you know, God is amazing... He just kept reminding me and holding out various promises to me last week. Then on Sunday there was a presentation, of all things, at church about the training schools where several people got up and told their testimonies about how God's led them from all over the U.S. to attend this school and provided miraculously the money needed. A couple of the stories were a lot like mine. I just sat there, my heart burning with hunger and my mind wondering if I'd missed something God had for me here. Afterwards, I went down front to talk with one of the leaders of the school and asked if there was any chance I could still apply. He asked me to tell my story and afterward he encouraged me to go ahead and put it in God's hands by applying. So, I did that yesterday and got to spend a good amount of time talking with one of the leaders and he was so encouraging. Funny, too, he was SO a James Love personality and read me right away in some of the things he was feeling from the Lord as we spoke. Only James can fully feel the importance of that last sentence. Anyways, really encouraging.
New paragraph... whew... So, I went home and prayed and something unusual for me began to happen. I think I can best describe my state as "giddy" before the Lord. I just had peace and emotion (strange for me) and I felt such joy. It's like all the challenges that are ahead of me became like a child's game and it didn't matter whether I won or lost. I still feel that way today, interestingly enough. That being the case, I really believe I need this from the Lord. If He provides the money for the school I'm going to have to quit my new job and move from my new place of living to Vacaville to be close to town. So, unless God is my keeper, this is the craziest decision of my life. In fact, today I listed my car on Craigslist. Funny, I was talking before the move about wanting to sell my car and rely on public transportation and my bike(which I got fixed and is really fun to ride!).
Anyways, I've settled in my heart to work and save for next year if the money isn't here in time. I need it within about 10 days if I'm to do the school this year. Hey, we'll see, right? God's not worried... and no money is an obstacle to His plans.
My tread-worn path etches long and deep
Given no reason to be here
'cept that you've called and I'm yours to keep
Into provision one safety liner's sink
Have no reason to fear
Awaken my heart with strong lover's wink
One back burner broken, time's leftovers lost
Into forward motion you steer
The call to jump ship at whatever the cost
Thanks for reading...
Thomas - glad you posted. I've been waiting for your next update! I also like your new profile picture, you look a little happier than in the first one. :P
I hope he handles it a little more gently than myself.
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