Monday, March 22, 2010

Email to a friend... Update on past years.


Just sent an email to a friend, Matt Crosby, with a great recap of the last couple of years...enjoy!

So glad you still answer that address. You have to send me your number so we can chat soon.

Bro, it has been a journey and a half since we last hung out. It's like hard to explain, but i had just a lot of things to work through and I'm not saying i'll never have stuff to work through again (just part of life), but I'm much better for these years. My walk with God is different than ever... Just not fear or works based and more just trusting that i'm safe with Him. Been exploring elements of religious tendencies and poverty mindsets that needed to go and were sabotaging my attempts at living an enjoyable, peace-full life. 

But without realizing what I needed(or really that I was dealing with any of that stuff)I felt God calling me to California with the promise that He was upgrading me from childhood to sonship. Which is exactly what happened. During that time it was the most joyful and painful time of my life as God introduced me to things and ways of thinking that are based on His matrix of thinking which comes from His wonderful nature. That nature always swings in my favor as a son. He would rather me be joyful moving from one mistake to the next and correcting my actions based on experience than to sit still and afraid of making a wrong move... Always analyzing and convincing myself that it won't work. I truly have experienced that with God everything is possible. He is so funny and a friend. I'm covenanted to Him forever by my choice, but also by His. We daily choose each other in this partnership. And it is nice to know that, though this is not an equal partnership obviously, He chooses to treat me with the honor and respect with loving correction that a father offers a son when they work on stuff.

Anyways, I'm in Colorado now on the Western slopes in a town called Vail. I work right now at a starbucks that is owned by Vail Resorts which owns hotels all over the world. My seasonal job is about to end, but there is a job that could be offered to me soon for banquet captain which is a year round position.

Here's a brief summary of my life in the last few years:

...August '08... 
-Leave Tx for California
-Stay in Sacramento hostel for a week 
-Find a job in Davis at Peet's Coffee
-Move into house on horse farm 5 miles on the same road my job is.
...After 7 months...
-Promised 3 times a promotion to full time which never happens.
-Big financial struggle just to eat
-Start making friends which really helps
...March '09...
-Transfer to Vacaville Peet's which is closer to church and some friends... 
-Move in with a family from the church which ends up being a great friendship
-Very unhappy with treatment at job and still can't live happily on part time income.
-Try to date a couple girls, but nothing happens... Eventually date someone really great... not right for each other in the end though.
...August '09...
- Decide to try and start a coffee company which is what I thought was God's plan. I think it was, and I learned a ton.
-Quit my job at Peet's and start selling smoothies at local farmers markets and fairs.
-After my main investor can't put money in as I thought I realize I need to get a job just to survive.
...September '09...
-Move in with a couple from Northern Ireland who go to the church. Like hearted and amazing people. Lifelong friends as well like the last people I was with. 
-Job search for 4 months turns up nothing. But these are months of intense growth in character and faith...
-Girlfriend breaks up with me because I just can't handle the stress of everything crashing in as no money is coming in and financial consequences are mounting. Plus, I just acted like an ass.
...January '10...
-Totally burned out job searching.
-My friend John Moore who lives in Denver with his wife Deb(probably best friends ever) have opening for me to live with them for a month and hopefully find a job in hospitality in Vail. John has a friend, Brian, who knows managers at several resorts in the area.
...February '10...
-Drive to Denver and job searched in Vail for 3 weeks.
-Find a job yet again in coffee only this time I am a hotel employee with more options.
-Car breaks down at the exit that is for my new place on my move up. $1800 to fix which I don't have. So I buy a bike and start using public transit.

And now... Just living life and getting to know the area. Really want this job in banqueting. 

Ok... There you go. There's a lot more of course. But let's chat soon! Send me your number.

Cheers, bro!
